Histopathological Effects of Sublethal Dose of Dichlorvos on Nerve Cord and Chloragogen Tissue of Eisenia fetida


  • Yasha Yadav Lab- Animal Physiology and Toxicology, Department of Zoology, Maharshi DayanandUniversity, Rohtak, Haryana 124001, India.
  • Vineeta Shukla Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana 124001, India




Diclorvos, Eiseniafetida, epineurium, giant nerve fibre, chloragogen tissue


Dichlorvos or DDVP is an organophosphate  pesticide which is used in agriculture rampantly,  as well as in households and stored grain houses  as an insecticide. While application, non target organisms in the soil may also get exposed to  Dichlorvos. The persistence of residues of the  pesticides is also a serious concern on the health  of soilbiota. In present study, the effect of  sublethal dose of the Dichlorvos was studied in  earthworm Eiseniafetida. The worms were exposed to two sublethal doses of the pesticide  for 7 and 14 days, subsequently, the worms were sacrificed and processed to prepare sections  afterstaining and the changes in the nerve cord  and chloragogen tissue were analyzed. By  general observation, many behavioral changes  were observed. Worms looked sluggish and  showed excessive coiling. Histological changes in  the peritoneum lining of the nerve cord were observed in the pesticide exposed worms.Changes in location of the giant fibres were also seen. Worms in control showed normal  placement of the giant fibres, while in pesticide  exposed worms, giant fibres appeared displaced.  The muscle layer and epineurium also showed many changes compared to the control. Under  exposure of Dichlorvos, Erosion of chloragogen  tissue was seen. Significant vacuolization was also observed. The intestinal villi also were found  to be eroded. Even at a sublethal dose, dichlorvos  and other organophosphates can hamper the  normal physiology of the soil biota such as earth worms and this can have detrimental effects on  their survival and reproduction.  


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How to Cite

Histopathological Effects of Sublethal Dose of Dichlorvos on Nerve Cord and Chloragogen Tissue of Eisenia fetida . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.48165/