Bisphenol-A Induced Genotoxicity in Channa punctatus (Bloch)


  • Parul Nangia Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, D.S. College, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202001, India.
  • Vikas Yadav Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, S.V. College, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202001, India.
  • Pooja Kumari Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, D.S. College, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202001, India.



Genotoxicity, Bisphenol-A, BPA, Micronucleus, Comet, SCGE


Bisphenol A is a high volume, synthetic monomer that has  been reported in all environmental matrices. Its structural  analogy to Diethylstilbestrol, a high risk estrogen mimic,  raises concern about its genotoxic potential. This study  investigated the genotoxic potential of Bisphenol-A in the  snake headed murrel, Channa punctatus. The effect of three  sublethal concentrations of Bisphenol A on C. punctatus was studied for two different durations i.e., 15 days and 30  days. Micronucleus assay of peripheral erythrocytes and  comet assay of liver cells were used to estimate the  genotoxic potential of Bisphenol-A. An increase in  micronucleus frequency was observed in all Bisphenol A  exposed groups after both durations. Tail DNA% was  significantly higher in liver cells following Bisphenol-A  exposure. These results suggest that Bisphenol-A exposure  probably causes DNA damage due to double strand breaks.  This study highlights the genotoxic potential of Bisphenol  A. These results also suggest that micronucleus test and  comet assay of C. punctatus tissue can be used as useful  tool to estimate the exposure of aquatic fauna to ambient  genotoxins.  


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How to Cite

Bisphenol-A Induced Genotoxicity in Channa punctatus (Bloch). (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(2), 334-343.