Toxic Effect of Organophosphorous Pesticide, Phorate on the Biochemical Parameters and Recovery Response of Freshwater Snake Headed Fish, Channa punctatus


  • Sadguru Prakash Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, M.L.K. (P.G.) College, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh 271201, India
  • Ashok Kumar Verma Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Saidabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 221508, India



Phorate, Organophosphorous pesticides, Channa punctatus, Biomolecules


Organophosphorous pesticides are mainly used to destroy  harmful insects or pests which infect agricultural field,  forests and houses. Increasing amount of agricultural,  domestic and industrial chemicals into the aquatic  environment lead to deleterious effects on the aquatic  organisms. The biochemical study is recognized as a  valuable tool for evaluating health status, physiological and  pathological condition of fish. The present study deals with  the level of imbalance evolved by the sub-lethal  concentration of phorate on the tissue biomolecule of  Channa punctatus. The pesticide, phorate was involved in  the metabolic regulation of carbohydrate, protein and lipid  in muscles, liver and kidney of Channa punctatus.  Although, the mechanism is not clear that how phorate  interferes in the metabolic process of these biomolecules.  During recovery period, the tissue carbohydrate, protein  and lipid content recorded a pattern towards normalcy  when compared with 96 h exposed fishes


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How to Cite

Toxic Effect of Organophosphorous Pesticide, Phorate on the Biochemical Parameters and Recovery Response of Freshwater Snake Headed Fish, Channa punctatus . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(2), 291-297.