Comparative Study of Toxicity Attenuation of Phorate & Chlorpyriphos on Eisenia fetida by Rice Straw Biochar


  • Pinky Deswal Lab. Animal Physiology and Toxicology, Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana 124001, India
  • Vineeta Shukla Lab. Animal Physiology and Toxicology, Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana 124001, India
  • Mamta Passi Lab. Animal Physiology and Toxicology, Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana 124001, India



Application rate of biochar, Eisenia fetida, Organophosphates, Earthworm’s uptake, Remediation of soil


Biochar is an external organic input added in soil as  ameliorative agent against soil pollution. In this study, the  impact of biochar on Eisenia fetida’s mortality (LC50) of  two organophosphates (Phorate and Chlorpyriphos) in the  artificial OECD soil was assessed. Acute test was applied to  calculate the LC50 of Phorate and chlorpyrifos on the  earthworm Eisenia fetida by using artificial soil test.  Biochar was derived from rice straw, a major agricultural  crop residue at two different pyrolysis temperature 300°C  and 500°C with the heating rate of 10°C/min for 3 hours in  an inert gas environment with limited supply of oxygen in  a tubular muffle furnace. Rice straw biochar was then  analyzed physiochemically and morphologically. Results  demonstrated that the biochar produced is consistent with  available literature. Experiment was set up as per OECD  guidelines. Two different biochar RSB300 and RSB500  treatments were applied from 1.5%, 3%, 5%, 6.5%, 8%  and 10% application rate for both organophosphates  separately to nullify the earthworm’s mortality at LC50.  The mortality changes were noted after 14 days exposure of  treatments at median lethal concentration of  pesticides.LC50 of Phorate and CPF were calculated by  probit analysis (p value <.005) and found to be  27.436mg/kg and 99.806 mg/Kg respectively. The outcome  of correlation analysis between rate of application of biochar  vs mortality (LC50) in Eisenia fetida for Phorate and  Chlorpyrifos reported that RSB500 Phorate and RSB500  CPF showed statistically significant difference with p  values close to 0 and R square values than RSB300 Phorate  and RSB300 CPF. 


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How to Cite

Comparative Study of Toxicity Attenuation of Phorate & Chlorpyriphos on Eisenia fetida by Rice Straw Biochar . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(2), 262-278.