Formation of a Hepato-Pancreas Ampulla in some Lizards


  • N A Allanazarova Department of Zoology, Samarkand State University, University Boulevard, 3, Samarkand-140001, Uzbekistan



Formation, Hepato-Pancreas Ampulla, Duodenum, Reptiles, Lizards, Ducts, Cavities, Liver, Pancreas


Principles of formation of the hepato-pancreas ampulla of  the duodenum in some lizards are proposed. The  morphometric indicators of the ratio of the cavity of the  common bile duct and the pancreatic duct are presented.  Morphological details in the structure of the hepatopancreatic ampulla are not entirely understandable at the  moment. The data available in the available literature are  not always correct, more often contradictory. Most of the  studies have been performed on laboratory animals.  Therefore, the study of its structure, the formation of the  internal relief in reptiles in connection with the  peculiarities of their nutrition allows us to solve some  problems of theoretical and applied histology. These studies  will further help to solve the problems of modeling some  biological processes. 


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How to Cite

Formation of a Hepato-Pancreas Ampulla in some Lizards . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(2), 192-199.