Macrozoobenthos Diversity of Bhagda Taal, A Wetland of Balrampur, U.P. (India)


  • Varsha Singh Department of Zoology, M.L.K. (P.G.) College, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh 271201, India
  • Sadguru Prakash Asst. Professor, Department of Zoology, M.L.K. (P.G.) College, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh 271201, India



Macrozoobenthos, Bhagda Taal, Wetland


Wetlands are one of the richest habitats of  biodiversity, provide food and shelter to  organisms that thrive in. During the present  investigation 22 genera of macrozoobenthos were  recorded. Out of 22, 8 genera belong to phylum  annelid, 8 to mollusca, and 6 to arthropod. The  mean density shows that molluscan dominates and constituted 36.66% of the total  macrozoobenthos population was followed by  annelids (34.66%) and arthropods (28.66%).  Among the benthic population was chiefly  constituted by Tubifex sp followed by Gammarus sp., Chironomus sp., Lymnaea sp., Pila sp.,  Branchiura sp., Lumbriculus sp. Erpobdella sp.  and Lamellidens sp. 


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How to Cite

Macrozoobenthos Diversity of Bhagda Taal, A Wetland of Balrampur, U.P. (India) . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(1), 157-163.