Stress and Parental Perceived Stress: Paramount Agents of Obesity among Young Children


  • Manju Dewan Associate Professor, PG Department of Zoology, DAV College, Sector 10, Chandigarh 160011, India



Stress, Children, Adolescents, Obesity


Stress can lead to the overeating of foods that  are high in fat, sugar and calories, which can  lead to weight gain and obesity amongst children  and adolescents. In the present study, 2048  Children and adolescent aged 10-19 years were  selected randomly for data collection. Allchildren had undergone questionnaire and  dietary survey as well as health examination. In  all, 36.1% children responded that parents were  responsible for their habits and lifestyle and  12.9% replied that school was responsible while  43.9% conveyed that TV Ads were responsible. It  was apparent from the conversations with  children that parents will be most helpful to  change their eating as well as physical activity  habits. All sections of the community must  participate in preventing obesity and diabetes. 


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How to Cite

Stress and Parental Perceived Stress: Paramount Agents of Obesity among Young Children . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(1), 71-77.