Histo-Pathological Alterations Associated Metabolic Alterations in STZ Induced Diabetic Rats with Leaves Extract of Sapindus saponaria


  • Mude Jagadish Naik Department of Zoology, Acharaya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522510, India.
  • R Nageswar Rao Naik Department of Zoology, Acharaya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522510, India.




Sapindus saponaria, Pancreas, Liver, Kidney and STZ


In the present study oral administration of  aqueous extract of Sapindus saponaria (SS) to  streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats  secluded the rats from the changes in  Histopathological tissues of rats. STZ induces  diabetes that resembles human hyperglycemic  non-ketotic diabetes mellitus. Further rats  treated with STZ display many of the features in  human subjects with uncontrollable DM and are  invaluable when studying the mechanisms by  which hyperglycemia may contribute to  microvascular complications such as  neuropathy, nephropathy and retinopathy. The  functioning of pancreas, liver and kidney may be  affected due to decreased levels of insulin,  hyperglycemia and its consequences. In the  present investigation the histological changes in  these tissues of diabetic rats and the effect of  Sapindus saponaria SS aqueous extract on these  was studied. 


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How to Cite

Histo-Pathological Alterations Associated Metabolic Alterations in STZ Induced Diabetic Rats with Leaves Extract of Sapindus saponaria . (2021). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 40(1), 57-62. https://doi.org/10.48165/