A Review of the Coronaviavirus Outbreak and its Effects on IndIndia's Natural Environment


  • Mayuri Patil School of Environmental and Earth rth Sciences, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudharari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Man, Maharashtra 425001, India
  • Nilesh Patil School of Environmental and Earth rth Sciences, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudharari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Man, Maharashtra 425001, India




COVID 19, Air Quality, Water QuLITY, Wildlife, Noise pollution, Biomedical Wasme


The phrase "coronavirus" was, withohouut a question, the most googled and uttered phrase in the he past three years. As the spread of the coronavirus us (COVID 19) has increased, various countries had imposposed a lockdown that restricted human mobility, and a a banban on all types of social activities. This also influences s various economic activities. With all the financial and hehealth concerns, the influence of the pandemic lockout ockout on the natural environment was something that at the scientific community should be concerned about. about. The influence of many significant good and evil evil effects on the environment in several areas of Indindia a is reviewed and discussed in this paper. Different erent regions in India showed an improvement in air qualituality, a decrease in noise pollution, and wildlife more pleasant pleasant and relax than before. Aquatic ecosystems revearevealed indications of restoration. On the other hand, the rise rise in plastic waste like personal protective kits (glovesoves and masks), biomedical waste, disinfectants, ts, and their mismanagement have long-term terrible terrible impacts on the environment. However, as India graduagradually returned to pre-pandemic conditions, the positive ositive environmental effects will fade as festivals, public trantransport, growing production, and agricultural activitiactivities may raise pollution to critical levels. Hence, PoPollution Control Boards and National Health PrograProgrammes should integrate the approaches acquired during during the pandemic to help foster social cognitive lifestyles, policy interventions, and the development of of advanced smart cities that will safeguard individuals fromdividuals from pollution. 


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How to Cite

A Review of the Coronaviavirus Outbreak and its Effects on IndIndia’s Natural Environment . (2022). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 41(2), 297-311. https://doi.org/10.48165/