Morphometric Epididymis Postnatal Development of White Rabbit Bucks Population in Algeria


  • Lakabi Lynda Laboratory of production, safeguarding threatened species and crops Influence of climatic variations, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou15 000; Algeria.
  • Menad Rafik Laboratory Research on Dry Zones, Faculty of Biology, University Algers 1, 16 000, Algeria.
  • Medjdoub-Bensaad Ferroudja Laboratory of production, safeguarding threatened species and crops Influence of climatic variations, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou15 000; Algeria.



Epididymis, rabbit, principal cell, morphometric


The aim of this study is determinated the ultra structural  morphometric changes of the epididymis during the  postnatal development of rabbits of the white  population. For this, 148 rabbits aged between 4 and 28  weeks were sacrificed, epididymides are fixed for the  study of microscopic parameters. The morphometric  study of epididymis shows that the principal cells of 4 to  12 weeks are characterized by weak morphofunctional  characters. From 14 weeks, these cells acquire  morphometric characters marked by high values of hcp  and zsn and low values of the report by N / hcp. This is  suggestive of a physiological differentiation indicating  the acquisition of cellular polarity and the development  of secretory and / or absorptive character. The high N /  hcp ratio of young individuals between 4 and 12 weeks  of age could be an indicator of the existence of cell  divisions. The structural changes of the epididymis during the postnatal development is manifested by a  progressive increase of the height of principal cells and  the height of the zone supranuclear. The values of hcp  and zsn are higher at the level of the épididyme  proximal from 16 weeks which correspond in the  entered in puberty. 


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How to Cite

Morphometric Epididymis Postnatal Development of White Rabbit Bucks Population in Algeria . (2022). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 41(2), 267-276.