Poultry Visceral Ensilagsilage e as A Replacement Ingredient in FishFish Feed and Its Effect on Growth, Suurvival, Gut Histology and Microbiotaiota in Fry of Common Carp (Cyprinus prinus carpio L.)


  • Suvam Kanungo PG Student, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM), Bhubaneswar, Odisha 761211, India
  • Karubaki Bhanjadeo PG Student, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM), Bhubaneswar, Odisha 761211, India
  • Hauzoukim Assistant Professor, School of fisheries,CUTM, Gajapati, OdishaOdisha 76121211, Indi
  • G G Amrutha Assistant Professor, School of of fisheries, CUTM, Gajapati, OdishaOdisha 76121211, Ind
  • Sambid Swain Assistant Professor and Head, , School of fisheries, CUTM, Gajapati, Odis Odisha ha 761211, India




Poultry waste management, Offal silage, Fish meal replacer, Broiler visceral silage, Economic fish feed


Incorporating poultry waste in fish feefeed could reduce the price of fish feed considerablybly. . The study was conducted to test the efficacy of chickencken visceral silage as a replacement of fish meal in fish  feefeed formulations. Broiler offal was procured from several several slaughter houses and was ground and preserved wiwith acid mixture (sulphuric and formic acid). The fluid fluid ensilage was neutralized and sun dried to obtain dry dry silage. Common carp fry (average weight 0.71g) g) were used as experimental fishes for the study. 5 kinkinds of feeds were formulated for the experiment at inclususion levels of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of visceral silage lage replacing equal amounts of fish meal. Triplicate tankstanks were set up for each group of formulated feed. FeedinFeeding trials were conducted for a period of 60 days. At At the end growth parameters and histopathological stustudies were done. The growth parameters suggested signsignificant increase in Weight Gain and SGR (p>0.05) in treatreatment T4 (20% inclusion of visceral silage).Also, comcomparative study of histopathology of intestine and liver liver showed no major diseased conditions. Thus, it conclncludes udes that broiler visceral silage could be a potential replacereplacement of fish meal in feed formulations. 


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How to Cite

Poultry Visceral Ensilagsilage e as A Replacement Ingredient in FishFish Feed and Its Effect on Growth, Suurvival, Gut Histology and Microbiotaiota in Fry of Common Carp (Cyprinus prinus carpio L.) . (2022). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 41(2), 201-210. https://doi.org/10.48165/