Study of the Influence of the Inclusion of Additives in the Food of Kаrakol Sheep on the Composition of Blood Plasma Proteins and Amino Acids


  • B M Bazarov Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



Black Sheep, Feed Ration, Additional Feed, Methionine, Free Amino Acids, Intestinal Microflora, Protein Deficiency, Wool Quality, Strait Mother Sheep, Total Nitrogen, Protein


The productivity of natural pastures, which are the main  source of food for Karakol sheep, and the botanical and  chemical composition of food undergo serious changes under  the influence of climatic and seasonal factors. The productivity  of pastures undergoes significant changes in years with  favorable, moderately favorable and unfavorable climatic  conditions, respectively. In accordance with the seasons, the  consumption of food by cold animals, the supply of nutrients  to their body varies significantly. Due to the insufficient  supply of nutrients to the animal's body in the autumn-winter  and early spring months, wool productivity and live weight  decrease, as well as the deterioration of reproduction  characteristics are observed. When the Karakol deer are fed  with natural plants without additional nutrients throughout  the year, the digestive processes in the large stomach undergo  serious changes depending on the seasons or the physical  conditions of the food consumed. The amount of food  consumed by the karakol in the natural pasture feed, the  digestibility coefficient of the nutrients in their content  changed according to the level of nutrition and the amount of  nutrients in the ration according to the seasons of the year. The  coefficient of digestibility of nutrients, depending on the  physical state of nutrients, was observed to be high in spring  and summer and lowest in autumn and winter. The addition  of additional nutrients to replace the missing nutrients in the  feed ration of sheep allows increasing the digestibility of the  nutritional components of the ration. 


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How to Cite

Study of the Influence of the Inclusion of Additives in the Food of Kаrakol Sheep on the Composition of Blood Plasma Proteins and Amino Acids . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(1), 157-162.