Insulin resistance and Oxidant-Antioxidant Markers in Young Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


  • K Lakshmi Ph. D Research scholar, Department of Studies in Zoology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysuru, Karnataka 570006, India.
  • Suttur S Malini -mail: 2Professor and Chairperson, Department of Studies in Genetics and Genomics, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru, Karnataka 570006, India.



Infertility, Insulin resistance, Oxidative stres, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Antioxidants


Introduction: Oxidative stress and insulin resistance (IR) may  contribute to the pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian syndrome  (PCOS). IR promotes hyperglycaemia, which may increase the  production of reactive oxygen species and decrease in  antioxidant levels in PCOS. Aim: To investigate the oxidant-antioxidant status and its  association with insulin resistance in young women with  PCOS.Materials and methods: The present study involved two  groups, PCOS (n = 55) and age and BMI matched controls (n =  55). Serum levels of various oxidative stress markers  malondialdehyde (MDA), antioxidants- superoxide dismutase  (SOD), catalase, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were  measured using spectrophotometric assays. HOMA-IR method  was used to assess the insulin resistance. Results were  analysed to compare and correlate insulin resistance with these  oxidative stress markers. Results: PCOS group had significantly higher MDA and  lower TAC activity, SOD, catalase levels than the control  group (p < 0.001). PCOS patients with IR had significantly  higher MDA, while SOD, catalase, TAC levels lower than the  PCOS patients without IR (p< 0.001). Infertile PCOS patients  had significantly higher MDA, and lower SOD, catalase, TAC  level than the fertile PCOS patients (p<0.001). There was a  statistically significant and positive correlation between  HOMA-IR and MDA levels, whereas HOMA-IR showed  statistically significant negative correlation with SOD, catalase  and TAC levels. onclusion: Our findings suggest that young PCOS women  may experience oxidative stress due to insulin resistance. As a  result, the existence of insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia,  and oxidative damage in PCOS is likely to hasten the gradual  progression of cardiovascular disease. 


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How to Cite

Insulin resistance and Oxidant-Antioxidant Markers in Young Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(1), 106-116.