Comparison of the Nutritional Health Profile of the Pregnant Women and its Association in Developing Anemia: A Progressive Study of the Rich and Poor Pregnant Women of the Ajmer City


  • Swapana John Department of Zoology, S.P.C Government College, Beawar Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001, India
  • Prakash C Sharma Department of Zoology, S.P.C Government College, Beawar Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001, India



Anemia, Reproductive Health, Nutrition, Pregnant Women


Introduction- Anemia in pregnancy is one of the gravest  world health crises affecting one fourth of the world  population, mainly children and women of the  reproductive age. The onset of anemia is attributed to  two major classifications being ‘Nutritional’-meaning  deficiency of minerals and vitamins, and ‘Non nutritional’ corresponding to infection and  hemoglobinopathies. The only micronutrient  mandatorily required supplementing to fill the gap  between the dietary intake and the demand is iron.  Micronutrient’s iron, folate, and vitamins are very vital  for the proper growth of the fetus during pregnancy.  The diverse consequences of nutritional anemia are  recurrent abortion, recurrent fetal loss, congenital  abnormalities, preterm labour, reduced birth weight and  neonatal and maternal mortalities. Methodology- It’s an  empirical, longitudinal, prospective, and comparative  study using a structured questionnaire on the target  group of the urban population in the city of Ajmer city.  Results and Conclusion- Assessing BMI, there were  51.61% of anemic rich pregnant women who were  considered malnourished as they belonged to the group  with BMI < 18.4 kg/m2 whereas among the poor anemic  pregnant women it was 75.87% women under this BMI.  Evaluating the poor non-anemic pregnant women,  nearly 16.98% of women belonged to BMI < 18.4 kg/m2 category and 8.95% of the rich non-anemic women who  had their BMI < 18.4 kg/m2. Among the rich non-anemic  pregnant women, there were 37.74% who came under  the category of overweight having BMI >23kg/m2 and  only 3.77% of poor non-anemic women grouped under  over weight. The mean+SD of Hb at third trimester of  the rich and poor pregnant women was 10.4+1.02 and  9.0+0.02 respectively. 


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How to Cite

Comparison of the Nutritional Health Profile of the Pregnant Women and its Association in Developing Anemia: A Progressive Study of the Rich and Poor Pregnant Women of the Ajmer City . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(1), 64-86.