Taxonomic and Ecological Analysis of the Fauna of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Lower Zarafshan (Uzbekistan)


  • F Z Khalimov Gulistan State University, 4th micro district, Gulistan city, Uzbekistan
  • L Kh Alimova Bukhara State University ,4th micro district, Gulistan city, Uzbekistan
  • D F Zokirova Samarkand State University, 15, University Avenue, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan



Zarafshan River, ground beetles, taxonomic composition, similarity coefficient, new records


The taxonomic composition and ecological-faunistic  characteristics of the fauna of ground beetles in the  lower reaches of the Zarafshan River were analyzed. 43  species of ground beetles belonging to 28 genera, 19  tribes and 9 subfamilies were identified. The dominant  species are Calathus ambiguus (20.21%), Machozetus lehmanni (17.44%), Harpalus distinguendus (16.23%),  Scarites bucida (7.6%) and Machozetus concinnus (5.35%),  while the subdominant – Scarites terricola (4.32%)  Megacephala euphratica (3.97%), Amara aenea (2.94%),  Amara ovata (2.25%) and Harpulus rubripes (2.07%). The  composition of the carabid fauna consists of two  ecologically sharply different species complexes:  xerophiles (inhabiting desert biotopes) and  mesohygrophiles (inhabiting agrcenoses). Syntomus obscuroguttatus, Harpalus affinis, and Scarites subcylindricus were noted for the fauna of Uzbekistan for  the first time. 


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How to Cite

Taxonomic and Ecological Analysis of the Fauna of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Lower Zarafshan (Uzbekistan) . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(1), 7-15.