Metabolism of Iron in Breast Milk of Women during Different Stage of Lactation


  • Yu S Ruziev Samarkand State University, 15, University Avenue, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan
  • Z I Ubaydullaeva Samarkand State University, 15, University Avenue, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan



Colostrums, Intermittent Milk, Matured Milk, Iron, Lactoferrin, Lactoferrin Saturation Factor, Iron Binding Properties of Lactoferrin


Breast milk is the only source of nutrients that contains  all the components of normal growth and development  of children. That is why breastfeeding is so important  for a healthy baby. In the dynamics of lactation, the  analysis of iron, binding of iron, breastfeeding  properties and quantitative indicators of lactoferrin have  great scientific and practical importance. 


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How to Cite

Metabolism of Iron in Breast Milk of Women during Different Stage of Lactation . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(1), 1-6.