Environmental Factors Affecting the Distribution of Selected Free Living Isopods in the Southern Coast of Kerala, India


  • Arya Unni Research Scholar, Postgraduate, Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, 695004, Kerala, India
  • R S Balamurali Professor & Head of the Department, Postgraduate, Department of Zoology and Research Centre , Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, 695004, Kerala, India
  • S S Amrutha Research Scholar, Postgraduate, Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, 695004, Kerala, India




Isopod, Intertidal, Abiotic factors


Intertidal isopods are a group of successfully surviving  organisms in the littoral region of the sea. The  continuous exposure to human activities and other botic  and abiotic stresses can influence their distribution and  diversity along the seashore. Air and water temperature,  salinity, pH, and presence of nutrients such as silicate,  nitrate and phosphate are studied for their influence on  some of the selected intertidal isopods found in three  different beaches of the southern Kerala. Monthly data  was collected for the water samples and four different  isopod species found in the intertidal region and the  significance of their interaction was calculated with the  help of SPSS, using two-way ANOVA. The statistics  shows a vivid relationship between these abiotic factors  and isopods under study. 


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How to Cite

Environmental Factors Affecting the Distribution of Selected Free Living Isopods in the Southern Coast of Kerala, India . (2023). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 42(2), 230-241. https://doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.42A.2.3