Three Fundamental Questions Challenging Einstein’s Relativity


  • Mohammad Javanshiry Independent Researcher, Tehran, Iran.



Special relativity, General relativity, Acceleration, Gravitation, Gravitational potential, Inertial observer, Schwarzschild observer, Angular velocity


This article, after reviewing briefly the current circumstances of publishing  dissenting articles that, say, suggest some rebuttals to relativity or quantum  mechanics in (non-)mainstream media, calls into question Einstein’s relativity theory  accusing it of incompleteness and being ill-defined. It is demonstrated that the  physical effects of acceleration have dramatically been overlooked by Einstein as he  was extending the special theory to the general one so that such a deficiency gives  rise to absurdities in both special and general relativity.


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How to Cite

Three Fundamental Questions Challenging Einstein’s Relativity. (2020). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 39(2), 243-247.