Effective Spin Hamiltonian


  • Manoj Kumar Singh H.O.D Physics, B.P.S College (B.R.A.B.U.) Desari, Vaishali, Bihar 844504, India




Euler’s equation, Schrodinger’s time dependent equation, Pruisken field theory, Anderson Model, Jacobian Transformation, Perturbation & Green function, Dugaev & Litvinov spins


In the introduction, definition of Hamiltonian (Relativistic & Non-Relativistic),  Euler’s equation and Schrodinger’s time dependent equation are used. Hamiltonian  field theory (given by Pruskin) is used Anderson Model and Jacobian  Transformation are applied. Perturbation and Green function are used. Dimmock  Hamiltonian, Dugaev and Litvinov spins (S1 and S2) are used. Heff. in  ( ) P M A A T ,S ,S b n e e −= is obtained. Various temperature and band parameters for  1 x x P M T b n e − 1 x x for x = 0.1 & x = 0.01 are listed in table. 


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How to Cite

Effective Spin Hamiltonian . (2020). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 39(2), 169-175. https://doi.org/10.48165/