Calculations of Electron Capture Cross-Sections of Mg Atoms due to Proton, 3He+ and 3He2+ Ions Impact


  • Gopal Jee Associate Professor, Department of Physics, L.S. College, B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001, India



Electron Capture Cross Section, Modified Binary Encounter Approximation, Hartree- Fock Velocity distribution, Angular divergence Correction factor


Proton, 3He+ and 3He2+ ions impact Electron Capture Cross sections for Mg atoms  have been calculated in the Modified Binary Encounter Approximation. The Hartree  Fock Velocity distribution for the target electrons has been used throughout the  calculations. The effect of angular divergence as correction factor has also been taken  into account. The present calculations show fairly good agreement with the  experimental observations.  


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How to Cite

Calculations of Electron Capture Cross-Sections of Mg Atoms due to Proton, 3He+ and 3He2+ Ions Impact . (2020). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 39(1), 103-110.