Absolute Cross Sections for He+ Impact Single Ionization of Noble Gases


  • Geetanjali SRAP College, Bara Chakia, East Champaran, Bihar 845412, India
  • L K Jha University Department of Physics, B R Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001, India




Proton, Ionization, Noble Gas, Cross-Section, Ions


He+ impact single ionization cross sections of noble gases have been calculated in the  Modified Binary Encounter Approximation. Accurate expression of ∆ (cross  section for energy transfer ∆E) and Hartree-Fock velocity distributions for the target  electrons have been used throughout the calculations. The present results of single  ionization cross sections are in excellent agreement with the experimental  observations throughout the energy range. We have also compared our calculated  results of H+ impact ionization cross sections of noble gases with experimental  measurement of Cavalcanti et al. Our present model is more suitable and gives  reliable results. The calculated cross sections differs from the experimental results of  H+ impact, this shows that more theoretical calculations is required to understand  the dynamics of the system. 


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How to Cite

Absolute Cross Sections for He+ Impact Single Ionization of Noble Gases . (2020). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 39(1), 71-79. https://doi.org/10.48165/