Quantum Conductance of Interacting Quantum Wire By Current Relaxing Backscattering and Unklapp Processes
Quantum Conductance, interacting quantum wire, back scattering, Umklapp process, relaxing process, carbon nanotube, coupling, acoustic phononAbstract
We have studied the quantum conductance of interacting quantum wire by using current relaxing back scattering and Umklap process. We have derived a general formula for the conductance of interacting quantum wire with good contact and current relaxing processes in the wire. We have shown that for an interacting ballistic wire contacted to leads were generalized to an interacting wire with damping. We have calculated the resistance of an interacting quantum wire which has coexisting ballistic and diffusive channels. Such coexistence is expected for integrable modes where part of the current is protected by a local or quasilocal conservation law. We have found that in such a case the ballistic channel is small and completely dominates the transport so that the system shows ideal quantum conductance. Relevant back scattering at the contact were found and were neglected. We have calculated the resistance of single wall carbon nanotubes caused by a coupling to the phononic degrees of freedom of the tube. Three modes have been taken into account. We have found that there is damping of the phonons due to phonon-phonon interactions which modified the phonon propagator. Backscattering is created by impurities which are often relevant perturbations and completely suppress the conductance below a temperature scale. Irrelevant backscattering due to phonons dominated in clean samples. Taking the electrons in the carbon nanotubes as noninteracting it has been shown that acoustic phonon modes gave rise to resistivity that increases linearly with temperature. The conductance showed thermally activated behaviour. At every temperatures Umklapp scattering at half filling leaded to gaps both in the charge and in the spin sector and thus to thermally activated behaviour. In a device configuration the filling in the tube is usually tuned away from half filling so that the Umklapp term oscillates. In the calculation the electrons are treated as noninteracting. Calculation shows that one electron-electron interactions are included the interactions with phonon modes of the tube alone give resistivity of the right magnitude even at room temperature if standard parameters are used. The obtained results were found in good agreement with previously obtained results.
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