High-Tc Superconductivity within t - t'- J - J' Model


  • K Roy Department of Physics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal 741235, India
  • N K Ghosh Department of Physics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal 741235, India




High-Tc cuprates, Extended hopping and exchange interactions, Effective exchange interaction


The behaviour of high-Tc cuprates in its ground state has been examined within the t-t'-J-J' model using an exact method. The role of next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) hopping (t') and  exchange (J') interactions on the charge gap, spin gap and effective exchange interaction has  been investigated. Charge gap shows a gapped behavior. Spin gap curves establish a gapless  behavior at small t′/t and J′/t. Also, it appears that effective exchange interaction is very much  relevant in the present system 


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How to Cite

High-Tc Superconductivity within t - t’- J - J’ Model . (2021). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 40(1), 34-38. https://doi.org/10.48165/