Comparative Relativistic Study of Change in Frequency of Hawking Radiation between XRBS and AGN


  • Medhatithi Chandan Research Scholar, University Department of Physics, B.N.M.U. Madhepura, Bihar 852113, In
  • Supriya Kumari Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, SBN College Garhirampr, Munger University, Mahamda, Bihar 811211. India.
  • Ashok Kumar Professor & Head, University Department of Physics, B.N.M.U. Madhepura, Bihar 852113, India.
  • Dipo Mahto Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Marwari College Bhagalpur, Bihar 812007, India



Hawking radiation, XRBs and AGN


 The present paper gives the comparative study of change in relativistic frequency of  Hawking radiation due to XRBs and AGN categories of black holes and concludes  that the relativistic change in frequency of Hawking radiation due to XRBs is greater  than to that of AGN category of spinning black holes.


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How to Cite

Comparative Relativistic Study of Change in Frequency of Hawking Radiation between XRBS and AGN . (2022). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics, 41(1), 20-22.