Monitoring of Seasonal Ground Water Levels Fluctuation in Bagh Study Area, Dhar Distict, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • Arti Dawar School of Studies in Earth Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 456010, India.
  • Pramendra Dev House No. 9 Adarsh - Vikram Nagar, Ujjain, M. P. India.



Well inventory, Direction and Movement, Fluctuation, Static water level, Ground water, Bagh, Madhya Pradesh, India


The present paper deals with hydrogeological setting of the Bagh study area Dhar District of Madhya  Pradesh. Systematic hydrogeological survey has been carried out covering an area of 163.56 Sq. km. The  well inventory involves examination of 30 dug wells in existence of study area. The data were recorded in  respect of location of well, diameter, depth of well, and measurements of static water level during pos t-- and pre - monsoon periods to observe fluctuations in ground water levels. Static water levels during the  post - monsoon period reveals a fluctuation range from 1.9 to 6.1 m b. g. l, and during pre - monsoon  period the range of static water level varies from 3.8 to 10.7 m bgl. The fluctuations of ground water level  from post - to pre - monsoon season have been observed as 1 to 7 m b.g.l. Based on static water level data,  the ground water level contour maps have been prepared. The ground water level contour maps have  helped in computing direction of ground water movement. The post - monsoon water level contour trend  contributes in demarcations of ground water potential zones in study area. The changes in direction of  ground water movement can be assigned to the lithology and structural characters. The ground water level  fluctuation trends have been described as a result of excessive withdrawal of ground water. 


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How to Cite

Dawar, A., & Dev, P. (2019). Monitoring of Seasonal Ground Water Levels Fluctuation in Bagh Study Area, Dhar Distict, Madhya Pradesh, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(2), 232–245.