Chemical Quality Evaluation of Ground Water for Human Application in Vicinity of Meghnagar, Jhabua Region, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • Dharmishtha Nigwal School of Studies in Earth Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 456010, India.
  • Pramendra Dev House No. 9, Adarsh Vikram Nagar, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 456010, India.



Chemical Guality Evaluation Ground water Meghnagar, Jhabua district, Madhya Pradesh in India


The document presents an account of chemical quality delineation of ground water suitability for human  applicators of Meghnagar study area, Jhabua district, Madhya Pradesh in India for the diverse  applications. The main objective concerns to assess the ground water quality in vicinity of study area, and  to delineate its suitability for domestic and, drinking applications. The representative twenty five ground  water samples were collected from the open dug wells, existing in Meghnagar study area. These water  samples were subjected to chemical analysis with principal objective to delineate the ground water quality  for human applications Piper trilinear diagram indicates the delineation of ground water quality and  reveals its suitability for The present work has been carried out with main objectives: to assess the ground  water quality in vicinity of study area, and to delineate its suitability for domestic and drinking  applications. It clearly shows the similarities and difference among ground water samples because those  with similar qualities will tend to plot together as groups. The comparison of analyzed values with the  recommended limits by Bureau of Indian Standards and World Health Organization reveal that ground  water is suitable for drinking and domestic applications  


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How to Cite

Nigwal, D., & Dev, P. (2019). Chemical Quality Evaluation of Ground Water for Human Application in Vicinity of Meghnagar, Jhabua Region, Madhya Pradesh, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(2), 177–190.