Effect of Channel Width Contraction at Bogibeel Bridge Site on the Morphology of the River Brahmaputra


  • Santanu Sarma Department of Geology, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam – 781001, India.
  • Bhagya Pratim Talukdar epartment of Applied Geology, School of Earth Science, Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi, Karnataka – 585367, India.




Brahmaputra, Morphology, River bank, River island, Bogibeel, LANDSAT


The purpose of construction of bridge over the river or stream is to ensure and facilitate the smooth  communication over the waterways. However, in certain engineering designs of bridge, a significant  portion of waterway is occupied by the piers placed on the river bed and approach road build on the river  bed. This results the constriction of the natural waterway. When the waterway is constricted because of  the construction of bridges, it results detrimental effects on the morphology of the streams. The major  consideration of the paper is to study the effect of constriction of the natural waterway on the river bank  morphology and river island due to bridge construction. In this study, 4.94 km long Bogibeel Bridge  constructed over the river Brahmaputra is taken into consideration to study the morphological changes in  its upstream and downstream portion of the river reach due to the constriction of the waterway. With the  completion of the construction of the piers and approach road of Bogibeel Bridge, some significant  morphological changes have already been observed. The satellite imageries of the area over two decade  clearly indicates the changes that took place in the river bank morphology due to the construction of the  bridge structure on the river bed. Some significant gradual modification in the river bank as well as on the  permanent river island is identifiable with the progress of the bridge construction. The portions of the  river bank which recede alarmingly due to changes in the configuration of the river channel have been  identified to take up effective and sustainable measures to reduce or stop the current erosion. 


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How to Cite

Sarma, S., & Talukdar, B.P. (2019). Effect of Channel Width Contraction at Bogibeel Bridge Site on the Morphology of the River Brahmaputra . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(2), 128–140. https://doi.org/10.48165/