Sedimentology & Microfacies Study of the Nfayil formation in Southern Samawa, -IRAQ


  • Saleh A Laza College of Science, Al Muthanna University, Samawah, Iraq



Petrography, Nfayil Formations, Samawa, Facies, Depositional Environment


The petrographic study is based on 88 samples obtained from 18 surface sections. The aim of this  study is to shed more light on the facies, and the environment deposition for Nfayil formation, which is results depositional environments are interpreted as categorized by Flugel (2004). Show restricted carination on marine platform, deposited in very shallow hypersalline lagoon, was  deposited in shallow marine environment with normal salinity. The age of Nfayil Formation,  depending on the fossils content (Peneroplisfarsensis, Ammonia beccarii, Elphidiumsp., Textulariasp., Miliolids, rotalids). The assemblage fauna above the typical is Middle Miocene  which is equivalent to Fat`ha Formation. 


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How to Cite

Laza, S. A. (2019). Sedimentology & Microfacies Study of the Nfayil formation in Southern Samawa, -IRAQ . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(1), 80-88.