Analysis of Major Surface Structural Features in Marib Sector, Sab'atayn Basin, Yemen: Implications of Tectonic Evolution


  • Saleh A Ghareb Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, ligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002, India.
  • Syed Ahmad Ali Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002, India.
  • Hamdi S Aldharab Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002, India.
  • Javed Ikbal Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002, India.



Marib SectoR, Sab'atayn Basin, Yemen


This study includes major surface structural features in Marib Sector of Sab'atayn Basin.  Detailed field investigations of the study area have revealed a tectonic setting characterized by faults, folds, joints, and dykes. Data of faults indicate that the study area has affected by the  tectonics of Najd fault, the rift of the Gulf of Aden, and the rift of the Red Sea respectively. The  folds in Al-Balaq area were formed as a result of local deformation which most probably has  been occurred during the Jurassic time. In Ath Thaniyah area, folds were formed as a result of  Pan-African tectonics in the study area. Folds in Jabal Al-Milh area have been developed  locally due to salt tectonics; folds in this area were found upon the upturned flanks of the  Nayfa Formation. Joints were found in two sets, first dominated set oriented to NW-SE  whereas the second trend to ENE-WSW. Subordinate trends of joints are WNW-ESE and  NNE-SSW. Dykes, in the area, are trending to ENE-WSW, parallel to the trend of the Gulf of  Aden. Gulf of Aden has taken an old trend between Arabian Plate and Somalia Plate. The  dykes are older than the Gulf of Aden trend which indicates that the Gulf of Aden developed  along Precambrian weak zones between Arabian Plate and Somalia Plate. 


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How to Cite

Ghareb, S. A., Ali, S. A., Aldharab, H. S., & Ikbal, J. (2019). Analysis of Major Surface Structural Features in Marib Sector, Sab’atayn Basin, Yemen: Implications of Tectonic Evolution . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(1), 65-79.