Spatial Variability of Major Ion Geochemistry in Groundwater from Uttar Mand Sub-Basin of Krishna River Basin, Maharashtra (India)


  • M R Gaikwad Department of Geology, G.B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Art’s and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar Dist. Ratnagiri - 415703 (M.S.) India
  • D D Kulkarni School of Earth Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur - 413255, Maharashtra India
  • R B Golekar Department of Geology, G.B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Art’s and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar Dist. Ratnagiri – 415703, Maharashtra India



Groundwater, hydrogeochemistry, Arc-GIS, Spatial distribution maps


This study was carried out to investigate the current status of groundwater quality and spatial  hydrochemical changes in groundwater from Uttar Mand sub-basin of Krishna River Basin,  Maharashtra (India). For this study, 100 groundwater samples were collected from wells and  bore wells distributed in the study area and analyzed physicochemical parameters viz. pH, total  dissolved solid (TDS), total hardness (TH), major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3−, SO42− , Cl−),  and Boron. The data use for the present study is two post-monsoon seasons (November 2014  and November 2015) and two pre-monsoon seasons (May 2015 and May 2016). GIS approach  was adopted to describe the physicochemical parameters and hydrochemistry of groundwater.  The spatial attributes of the watershed were digitized and employed in overlay analyses. The  data of routine parameters (EC, pH and TDS), cations and anions were processed in Arc-GIS  software. The spatial distribution maps assist to determine suitable places for groundwater  development and management. This work concluded that comprehensive assessment of  groundwater quality would help for proper management and planning for future water need. 


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How to Cite

Gaikwad, M. R., Kulkarni , D. D., & Golekar, R. B. (2019). Spatial Variability of Major Ion Geochemistry in Groundwater from Uttar Mand Sub-Basin of Krishna River Basin, Maharashtra (India) . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(1), 25-64.