Mineral Chemistry of Clotsin Putteti Alkaline Suite, Kanyakumari District, TamMafic il Nadu, India


  • Anjana A V Panicker Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695034, India.
  • S N Kumar Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695581, India
  • Raj R Manu Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695581, India




Achankovil Shear Zone, Southern Granulite Terrain, Liquid immiscibility, Thermal history


Putteti is a well-known alkaline suite south of Achankovil Shear Zone in Southern Granulite  Terrain (SGT). This intrusive is quite famous for the ubiquitous zircon megacrysts, and various  sulphides and oxides. Syenite and pyroxenite, with textural and compositional diversity, form  the major intrusive phases of this suite. They occur as alternate magmatic layers where  pyroxenes form cumulates. Clots or segregates of pyroxenes are alsonoticedin the syenite. The  amount of pyroxene in syenite varies considerably. Earlier workers explained this phenomenon  as due to liquid immiscibility of a single magma. The temperature, composition and rheology of  the original melt play a major role in deciphering the texture and mineralogy of the resultant  rocks. Mineral chemistry helps to infer the thermal history of the members of the suite and the  sequence of crystallization. Here we present thechemical data of pyroxenes in syenite and hybrid  rock that help to establish the interrelationships of the members of the suite and their evolution. 


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How to Cite

Panicker, A. A. V., Kumar, S. N., & Manu, R. R. (2019). Mineral Chemistry of Clotsin Putteti Alkaline Suite, Kanyakumari District, TamMafic il Nadu, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 38(1), 16-24. https://doi.org/10.48165/