Textural attributes of Sandstones from extra-peninsular Kalijhora Gondwana Basin in Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India


  • Ranjeeta Kar Department of Geology, Royal Global University, Guwahati 781035, India
  • Hrishikesh Baruah Principal, K.C. Das Commerce College, Guwahati 781008, India
  • Sarat Phukan Department of Geological Sciences, Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014, India




Gondwana sandstones, Kalijhora, Extra-peninsular India, Textural attributes


Extra-peninsular Gondwana rocks are exposed in and around Kalijhora in Darjeeling district of West  Bengal. The Kalijhora lithostratigraphic column is largely arenaceous. An attempt was made to analyse the  textural attributes of these Gondwana sandstones which was unknown till date. Kalijhora sandstones are  largely medium grained, poorly sorted, positively skewed and leptokurtic. The main mode of transportation  for the sandstones seems to be combination of traction and suspension mechanism. Mixing of finer grains  imparted bimodality to the distribution. Addition of fines to the relatively coarser main mode suggests the  occurrence of a temporary turbid like condition in the otherwise calm riverine depositional environment  leading to the transport of both coarser and finer fragments side by side. A phase of transgression also  affected the sediments that show affinity towards deltaic (fluvial) as well as shallow marine depositional  setting.  


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How to Cite

Kar, R., Baruah, H., & Phukan, S. (2020). Textural attributes of Sandstones from extra-peninsular Kalijhora Gondwana Basin in Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 39(2), 301-315. https://doi.org/10.48165/