Estimation of Aquifer Parameter in Basaltic Region through Aquifer Performance Test: A Case Study of Laxmi and Sheri Nala Basin (KR 40 watershed) Around Sangli, Maharashtra (India)


  • S M Patil Research Scholar, School of Earth science, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University (SRTMU), Nanded, Maharashtra 431606, India
  • H S Patode Associate Professor, School of Earth science, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University (SRTMU), Nanded, Maharashtra 431606, India
  • K S Kumbhar Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Nowrosjee Wadia College, Pune, Maharashtra 411001, India
  • O R Parab GIS Analyst, Cybertech System and Software Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra, India



Aquifer performance test, Specific Capacity, Transmissivity and Storativity


The estimating the aquifer parameters is an essential part of the groundwater studies to understand the  origin and movement of groundwater which are the fundamental questions that addresses both the  temporal and spatial aspects of ground water and water supply related issues in arid and semi arid  climatic regions. As the study area i.e. Laxmi and Sheri nala basin (KR 40 Watershed) falls in semi arid  region where water scarcity is the main problem, ultimately the groundwater is the major source. Thus  the estimation of aquifer parameters is essential task is needed to carried out in the study area. There are  several methods to estimate the accurate aquifer parameters (i.e. hydrograph analysis, Aquifer  performance test etc.). In early days, these parameters are estimated either by means of in situ test or  performing test on aquifer samples brought in the laboratory. The most common in-situ test is Aquifer  performance test (APT) performed on wells, which involves the measurement of the fall and increase of  groundwater level with respect to time. The alteration in groundwater level is caused due to pumping of  water from the well i.e. drawdown and recovery. Theis (1935) was first to propose method to evaluate aquifer parameters from the pumping test on a bore well in a confined aquifer. It is essential to know the  Specific capacity (C), transmissivity (T), storativity (S) and Specific yield (Sy) for the characterization of  the aquifer parameters in an unknown area so as to predict the rate of drawdown of the groundwater  table surface throughout the pumping test of an aquifer. The determination of aquifer’s parameters is an  important basis for groundwater resources evaluation, numerical simulation, development and  protection as well as scientific management. Hence in the study area total nine aquifer performance tests  (APT) has been carried out and accordingly the study area divided into high, moderate and lower  groundwater potential zones.  


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How to Cite

Patil, S. M., Patode, H. S., Kumbhar, K. S., & Parab , O. R. (2020). Estimation of Aquifer Parameter in Basaltic Region through Aquifer Performance Test: A Case Study of Laxmi and Sheri Nala Basin (KR 40 watershed) Around Sangli, Maharashtra (India) . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 39(2), 211-238.