Implementation of Ground water Development and Management Strategy in Vicinity of Thandla, Jhabua Region, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • Anil Katara School of Studies in Earth Science, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 456010, India.
  • Vinita Kulshreshtha Department of Geology, Rajiv Gandhi Government P. G. College, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh 458001, India.



Implementation, Ground water, Development, Management, Plan, Thandla area, Jhabua Region, Madhya Pradesh, India


Implementation of ground water development and management plan is essential to human civilization for  their continued existence in the world. The paper deals with the ground water resource sacristy prevailing  in the Thandla study area of Jhabua region in Madhya Pradesh, India. Hydrogeological investigation reveals  favourable conditions for water resource development by implementing a plan for augmentation of rainfall  and recharge of ground water resource followed by judicious management with a view to resolve the  problem of sustained water supply in study area by implementation of a plan for development of ground  water resource and appropriate management scheme of ground water resource with a view to provide water  supply to the inhabitants of Thandla area, Jhabua Region.  


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How to Cite

Katara, A., & Kulshreshtha , V. (2020). Implementation of Ground water Development and Management Strategy in Vicinity of Thandla, Jhabua Region, Madhya Pradesh, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 39(2), 198–210.