Drainage Morphometry of Harangi Watershed, Madikeri District, Karnataka State and Its Influence on the Areas Sensitive to Soil Erosion


  • M R Anusha Department of Mines and Geology, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001, India.
  • Annapoorna Hebbar Department of Geology, Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysuru, Karnataka 570005, India.
  • M R Janardhana Department of Geology, Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysuru, Karnataka 570005, India.




Harangi watershed, Drainage morphometry, GIS, Drainage patterns, Soil erosion


Watershed morphometry involves quantitative measurement and mathematical analysis of a drainage  basin. Inference on the erosion of the landforms of the watershed area can be made based on the assessment  of morphometric parameters. Toposheets in conjunction with the ASTER DEM were used for delineation  of Harangi watershed and its subwatersheds in GIS environment as well for extraction of morphometric data. Relevant drainage morphometric parameters for the assessment of the sites for the vulnerability of  erosion were evaluated using established mathematical expressions. The observed drainage patterns such  as trellis, subparallel and subrectangular and alignment of the streams to the lineaments in the study area  suggest an immense control of structure on the drainage pattern in Harangi watershed. The relief values,  high values of ruggedness number and moderate values of dissection index suggest that the northern  subwatersheds, which are characterised by steep slopes, witness low infiltration at higher reaches, high  gravity flow and runoff. Low values of form factor, circularity (0.3) and elongation ratios (0.18) and high  values of Gravelius’s compactness coefficient indicate that the majority of the subwatersheds are elongated  in shape. The evaluated linear, areal and relief parameters in GIS environment indicate that the northern  subwatersheds are in their late youth stage geomorphic development and are more prone to soil erosion as  they are large in areas and consist of more number of streams and high relief compared to their southern  counterparts.


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How to Cite

Anusha , M. R., Hebbar, A., & Janardhana , M. R. (2020). Drainage Morphometry of Harangi Watershed, Madikeri District, Karnataka State and Its Influence on the Areas Sensitive to Soil Erosion . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 39(2), 182-197. https://doi.org/10.48165/