Facies and Sedimentary Structures of the Kerur Formation, Badami Group, South India: Implications for Depositional environment


  • Venkatraman S Hegde SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalagiri, Dharwad, Karnataka 580002, India
  • Girish Havannavar 1SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalagiri, Dharwad, Karnataka 580002, India
  • Pramod T Hanamgond GSS College of Arts and Science, Belagavi, Karnataka 590006, India
  • G Shalini Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560098, India
  • Asim Ranjan Pratihari SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalagiri, Dharwad, Karnataka 580002, India
  • Shivani Hulaji SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalagiri, Dharwad, Karnataka 580002, India




Meso-Neoproterozoic, Kerur Formation, Badami Group, Depositional environment, Facies analysis


Facies architecture and sedimentary structures, followed by petrographic characteristics of the rocks of  the Kerur Formation of the Badami Group of Kaladgi-Badami basin exposed in the Deshnur area near  Belgaum, in South India is discussed in the present paper to understand their depositional  environment. The Kerur Formation at Deshnur comprises of conglomerate, gritty sandstone- quartz  arenite and shale. In the type area at Badami, it comprises of Kendur conglomerate, 90m thick  sequence of arenite called “the temple arenite and the Halageri shale. In the western part, at Deshnur,  near Belgaum, Kerur Formation show rhythmic variation in conglomerate and gritty sandstone  followed by medium to fine grained arenite and intercalated thin shale beds suggesting fluctuating fluvial, beach facies and shallow water depositional condition. Features of fluvial sedimentation such  as pebble beds; shallow water sedimentary features such as symmetrical ripple marks, cross bedding;  beach facies like dune lamination and Aeolian dunes; and shallow marine facies such as intercalation  of shale with sandy facies are observed. Features such as pebbles size, rounding, along with current bedding structures within the gritty layers between the pebble beds suggest fluvial discharge to an  open sea. The thicker, gentler landward-cross strata, thinner, steeper seaward cross-strata in the  herringbone cross stratification in the overlying arenite indicate the tidal modulation during their deposition. In thin section, the grit show well rounded while the quartz arenite show moderately  rounded to well rounded, medium grained, texturally and compositionally matured characters  suggesting sorting by winnowing action of waves, implying coastal environment of deposition. The  facies Architecture, sedimentary structure like tidalites indicative of interaction of tides and current  (including changes in their speed and direction) suggest tidal modulation of depositional  environment. Well rounded, moderately assorted, vein quartz rich pebbles in alternate sandy- pebbly  layers along with arkosic nature of the grits indicate periodic flashy floods dominated the surface  hydrodynamics of transport during the early phase of sedimentation.  


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How to Cite

Hegde, V. S., Havannavar, G., Hanamgond, P. T., Shalini, G., Pratihari, A. R., & Hulaji, S. (2021). Facies and Sedimentary Structures of the Kerur Formation, Badami Group, South India: Implications for Depositional environment . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 40(2), 227-243. https://doi.org/10.48165/