Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Warora Area of Central India


  • Madhavi Suresh Dubey Department of Geology, Government Institute of Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India
  • Satish Madhavrao Deshpande Department of Geology, Government Institute of Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India
  • Rushikesh Baburao Golekar Department of Geology, Khare Dhere Bhosale College, Guhagar, District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India



Groundwater, hydrochemistry, health hazards, Warora, Chandrapur, central India


Warora area of central India exposes geological rock formations from Archean to Deccan age. It is known  for the hydrothermal fluoride mineralization as well as coal mines, cement industries and coal based power plants. Therefore this area is most vulnerable for the groundwater contamination from lithological  as well as anthropogenic sources. This paper aims to assess the suitability of groundwater in Warora  area for drinking and irrigation purposes based on the accepted standards. Total 57 groundwater  samples were collected from dug and bore wells during pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons.  Groundwater chemistry shows bicarbonate as a most abundant anion in most of the locations in the  study area. Chloride is the dominant anion followed by SO42-> HCO3-> Cl-, whereas cations show the  following as K+ > Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+. Concentrations of TDS, hardness, PO4, SO4, NO3 and F in several  water samples are not suitable for human consumption as per the recommended BIS guidelines for  drinking purposes. From irrigation point of view, the studied groundwater samples are hazardous for  crops which show moderate to high salinity. RSC and SSP values in most of the samples show beyond  permissible limits and indicated non-suitability for irrigation use. The high fluoride concentration has  undesirable effects on the human health of the people lives in the study area and therefore preventive  measures such as defluoridation or an alternative supply arrangement are suggested for the management  of groundwater resources.  


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How to Cite

Dubey, M. S., Deshpande, S. M., & Golekar, R. B. (2021). Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Warora Area of Central India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 40(2), 187-204.