Systematic Structure, Ecology and Economical Meaning of Soil Macrofauna of Zarafshan Valley’s Orchards


  • O B Niyazova Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.



Soil Microfaun, Orchards, Seasonal Dynamics, Middle Zarafshan Valley


It has been established that the soils macrofauna in orchards includes 28 species belonging to 8 families and  20 genera. Of these, there are 9 types of terrestrial mollusks: 6 families and 6 genera; 5 species of  earthworms: 1 family and 3 genera, and 14 species of insects: 1 family and 10 genera, 4 species of  earthworms, 4 species of terrestrial molluscs and 6 species of insects were identified as new for the studied  area.As studies result of orchards soils macrofauna of Zaravshan valley, it was found that insects accounted  for 50%, terrestrial molluscs 32% and earthworms 18%. It has been established that the macrofauna of the  soils of the orchards of the Zeravshan Valley, including earthworms, terrestrial mollusks, insects and their  larvae in terms of their species and quantitative composition, the ecological group of geobionts is  represented by the largest number of species - 18, which amounted to 64.33%, species of the xerogigrobiont  group - 14 and 14.2%, xerobiont species - 3 and 10.7%, and hygrobiont, psammobiont and xeromesobiont  groups by 1 species, which was 3.57%. 


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How to Cite

Niyazova, O.B. (2021). Systematic Structure, Ecology and Economical Meaning of Soil Macrofauna of Zarafshan Valley’s Orchards . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 40(1), 18–24.