Geology and Sedimentation History of Bijawar Area Chhatarpur Sagar Districts, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • O P Sahu Department of Geology, Govt. Model College, Shahpura Dindori, Madhya Pradesh- 481990, India
  • Pradeep K Jain Departments of Geology, Govt. Maharaja P.G. College, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh- 471001, India



Geology, sedimentary history, Bijawar type area


This research paper includes, detail field study was carried out and geological data has been collected  from the study area. Initially reconnaissance survey was taken for further study of the area. To  understand Geology of the area on the basis of lithological interpretation and criteria for rock material  were found or exposed. Regional scale sampling has been carried out for Geological survey of various  litho units in the study area and understands the Geology, Sedimentary history of Bijawar type area  has been carried out with the help of Survey of India Toposheet and geological map of study area. The  Bijawar basin is sandwiched between Bundelkhand granite and Vindhyan sediments. Based on field  data, the rocks of Bijawar Group comprises namely Moli sub-group and Gangau sub-group (Kumar, 1990). Bijawar sedimentation appeared in small erosional depressions of primordial  Bundelkhand Complex Craton. In such small depressions, the lower formations of the group were  probably deposited by littoral currents in stable shelf type of environment. The nature of arenaceous  unit of Raidaspura member indicates a change of high to low energy environments. The quartz arenites was probably formed in the shallow depositional condition with repeated sub-aerial exposures  as evidenced by the presence of mud cracks. The palaeo current direction as noted in the sandstone  units were towards NE. Deposition of dolomite might indicate change in climatic condition during  that time. Intermittent volcanic activity resulted in the form of lava flow of Kawar Formation,  agglomerate of Raidaspura member and the Dargawan Intrusive Formation. During this time,  Bijawar basin gradually shifted to the west and at the close of the deposition of Bajna Formation. The  dolomites of Bajna dolomite Formation was found to be associated with sandy arenaceous layers  interbedded with precipitated cherty dolomite signifies a rather change of depositional environment. The clastic units (calcareous coarse grained sandstone) exhibiting cross stratifications and ripple  mark again signifies a shallow water deposition in contrast to the chert-dolomite beds. Increase of  chert beds in dolomite towards the lower part i.e. towards the contact with the Malehra Chert Breccia  Formation indicates that the change in chemical conditions suitable for precipitation of silica to  carbonate was gradual. It seemed to be somewhat fluctuating during the Malehra Chert Breccia  Formation and Bajna Dolomite Formation. 


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How to Cite

Sahu, O. P., & Jain, P. K. (2021). Geology and Sedimentation History of Bijawar Area Chhatarpur Sagar Districts, Madhya Pradesh, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 40(1), 1-9.