Climate Change Impact Studies on Rainfall Variability- A Case Study of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • O P Sahu Department of Geology, Govt. Model College, Shahpura Dindori, Madhya Pradesh481990, India,
  • Pitambra Sahu Department of Geography, Govt. Thakur Ranmat Singh College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh 486001, India,
  • Vineesha Singh Department of Earth Sciences, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026, India
  • Pradeep K Jain School of Studies in Geology and Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh 471001, India
  • Sushila Dwivedi Department of Geography, Govt. College, Raipur Karchuliyan Rewa, Madhya Pradesh 486114, India



Climate change, rainfall variability, statistical, regression model and Mann-Kendall tests


The impacts of anthropogenic activities on the earth atmosphere and its systems have been engaging attention of planners, governments and politicians worldwide. The countries across the world are engaged in working out the impacts and associated variability’s to the projected climate change. In the twentieth century many recent studies show changes in rainfall patterns of India as well as changes in weather conditions. These are due to worldwide climate changes, decrease in rainfall duration and rainfall amount and increase in rainfall intensity. In the present paper describe Climate Change Impact Studies on Rainfall Variability: A case study of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India. The rainfall data collected for a period of 1901 to 2019from the District Land Record Department of Chhatarpur and Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi (IMD). The results of 119 years old historical rainfall records of Chhatarpur district have been analysis using statistical and Mann-Kendall tests. Results are also discussed for the future climate change scenario in rainfall variability of thearea.


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How to Cite

Sahu, O. P., Sahu, P., Singh, V., Jain, P. K., & Dwivedi, S. (2022). Climate Change Impact Studies on Rainfall Variability- A Case Study of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(2), 318-326.