Recording Jurassic Microfossils from Jabal at Marib Al-Balaq Governorate, Yemen


  • Saleh A Ghareb Department of Geology, University of Saba Region, Marib- Yemen
  • Syed Ahmad Ali Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002
  • Damir Bucković Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
  • S Aldharab Hamdi Department of Eng. Geology, Shabwah University, Ataq - Yemen
  • Mukeem Ahmad Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002



Jurassic Microfossils, Amran Group, Shuqra Formation, Sab'atayn Basin, Yemen


Fossils give a view into the historical backdrop of life by demonstrating the structures and highlights of life in ancient times. Fossils disclose to us how species have changed over long stretches of the Earth's history. The fossils record is a momentous presence in the investigation of nature. The lower part of the Shuqra Formation (Amran Group) has been investigated to document the variety of microfossils present. The Middle-Upper Jurassic (Middle Bathonian, Callovian-Kimmeridgian Stages) Shuqra Formation is exposed at Jabal Al-Balaq south and southeast of Marib city, Marib Governorate, Yemen. There are three units in the study area, (1) Basement complex, (2) Shuqra Formation, and (3) Madbi Formation. Shuqra Formation is part of the Amran Group that was deposited during Middle /Upper Jurassic Pre, Syn, and Post rifts. The Shuqra Formation in the study area is divided into three parts, the upper, middle, and lower parts. The samples used for this study were collected through the study section in a systematic manner, at every 10 m interval vertically from the base to the top. All microfossils have been described in detail in regard to taxonomy, distribution, environment, and age. In this study, 60 samples were collected and 96 thin-section slides were prepared. Ten microfossils were identified within Lower Shuqra Formation: Protopeneroplissp,  Troglotella  incrustans  Wernli  &  Fookes,  Kurnubia  sp.,  Halimeda  sp.,  Nautiloculina  oolithica  Mohler,Mesoendothyra croatica Gusic, Marinella lugeoni Pfender algae,Protopeneroplis ultragranulata sp., Dasycladales algae (dasycladalean algae) and Orbitopsella praecursor (Gümbel 1872).


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How to Cite

Ghareb, S. A., Ahmad Ali, S., Bucković, D., Hamdi , S. A., & Ahmad, M. (2022). Recording Jurassic Microfossils from Jabal at Marib Al-Balaq Governorate, Yemen. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(2), 228-250.