Assessment of Flood HHazard azard Zone Using Remote Sensing g & GIS – Case Study of Panchgan ganga Rga River Basin, Kolhapur District, MahMaharashtra


  • A Supekar Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007, Maharashtra, India.
  • S Patil Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411007, Maharashtra, India.



Flood Hazard, Sentinel 2, Dem, River Basim, Remote Sensing, gis, Weighted Overerly


A flood is a natural hazard on our planet planet that occurs when water overtops a stream's natural al or manmade banks. Floodplains are generally affected by y overtopped banks, which often cause problems for residenresidents, crops, and vegetation. Although flood hazards cannot cannot be controlled, we can safeguard and save lives, , property,property, and other resources if we are aware of the threat with with the help and advancement of recent technology. GIS i GIS is an influential tool that can be used to identify flood risksk  zone essential for planning and management against t ththis natural hazard. Panchganga river basin is one of the e main main river basins in southwest Maharashtra. Using satelsatellite (Sentinel 2 & DEM) images, associated base maps (Geology(Geology, Soil, River basin, & Toposheet), along with taluka taluka wise rainfall data, the flood hazard map was prepared in ththe GIS environment with the aid of Arc GIS.  The weighghted overlay analysis method was followed to prepare the finfinalal flood hazard map using suitable feature class weighted ted values. This map is divided into five classes: Very High, HighHigh, Moderate, Low, and Very Low. Key 
the downstream portion of the PanchgPanchganga anga river basin towards the eastern region is categorizeegorized into high to very high flood hazard risk zone which incluincludes parts of Karvir, Hatkanangale, and Shirol taluka. aluka. The western region including parts of Bavda, Radhanagari, anagari, Panhala, and Shahuwadi lies under a moderate to highigh h flood hazard zone. This study will thus help concerned authoritiesauthorities to formulate their development strategies according according to the areas at risk.  


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How to Cite

Supekar, A., & Patil, S. (2022). Assessment of Flood HHazard azard Zone Using Remote Sensing g & GIS – Case Study of Panchgan ganga Rga River Basin, Kolhapur District, MahMaharashtra . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(2), 164-181.