Issues and Challenges of Water Supply System in Bhopal City, Madhya Pradesh


  • Archana Sen Archana Sen, Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Planning and Economic Growth, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026, India.
  • Namita Sen NamitaSen, Research Scholar, Department of Regional Planning & Economic Growth, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026, India.
  • Vineesha Singh Vineesha Singh,Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences,Barkatullah University, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh 462026, India.



Water Resource, Supply, Quality, Quantity, Satisfaction level


Water is of fundamental importance for human life and plays an important role in many biological and  chemical systems.Only 0.3% of the water resources in the world are usable.Scarcity of water has become  widespread all over the world. Current methods for water scarcity assessment are mainly based on water  quantity and seldom consider water quality. Population growth and urban development aspect  dramatically alter natural watershed ecosystem structure and functions and stress water resources. The  demand of time is review water quantity and water quality issues, as well as water supply challenges in  an urban environment.So that more than a billion people in the developing world lack safe drinking  water. About three billion people live without access to adequate sanitation systems necessary for  reducing exposure to water-related diseases.Water is a valuable fundamental asset for life. Availability of  sufficient water resource in any region effects socio economic development as well as better quality of life.  Lack of water resource is determinant the poor quality of life. This paper based on secondary as well as  primary data. This paper highlighted the status of water resource and supply system in the Bhopal city.  Paper will also find out the spatial and temporal distribution of water supply system as well as quality  and quantity. Paper also analysis the issues and challenges about water resource and satisfaction level of  Bhopal city. 


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How to Cite

Sen, A., Sen, N., & Singh, V. (2022). Issues and Challenges of Water Supply System in Bhopal City, Madhya Pradesh . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(1), 129-141.