Relative Tectonics Activity Assessment of Diyala River Area Using Lithological Strength Ratio and Morphometric Indices


  • Talal H Kadhim Department of information, Iraq Geological Survey, Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Iraq Baghdad
  • Manal Sh Al-kubaisi Department of geology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq-Baghdad



Morphometric indices, Diyala River, Drainage basin, Tectonic activity


The study presents a new procedure for assessment relative tectonic activity based on morphometric  indices and lithological strength useful in evaluating morphology and topography. The results produced  from the analysis are cumulative and expressed as an index of lithological strength and relative tectonic  activity (LRTI) , which is divided into five classes ranges from relatively very low to very high tectonic  activity. The study area along the Zagros suture zone in eastern Iraq is an ideal location to test the concept  of an index to predict relative tectonic activity on a basis of area rather than a single valley or mountain  front. The study area has variable rates of tectonic activity resulting from the collision of Arabian and  Eurasian plates that has produced linear northwestern–southeastern anticlinal forms, as well as extension  with variable vertical rates of main collision zone (Zagros Suture Zone) to about -0.9 mm/y. In this study,  the hypothesis test that known areas of relatively high rates of tectonic activity are associated with  indicators values of lithological strength and relative tectonic activity (LRTI). 


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How to Cite

Kadhim, T. H., & Al-kubaisi, M. S. (2022). Relative Tectonics Activity Assessment of Diyala River Area Using Lithological Strength Ratio and Morphometric Indices . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(1), 115-128.