Climate Change Impact Studies on Historical Rainfall Records: A Case Study of Dindori District, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • O P Sahu Department of Geology, Govt. Model College, Shahpura Dindori , Madhya Pradesh- 481990, India
  • Pitambra Sahu Department of Geography, Govt. Thakur Ranmat Singh College Rewa, Madhya Pradesh- 486001, India
  • Pradeep K Jain School of Studies in Geology and Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh- 471001, India
  • Golekar Rushikesh Baburao Department of Geology, G.B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra- 415703, India.



Climate change, Dindori district, Rainfall, Regression, Mann-Kendall test


Climate change is worldwide but its impacts are feeling local. Dindori district is uniquely known for rich  forest wealth and tribal communities in Madhya Pradesh India. People derive their livelihood and nutrition  security from forest resources. Climate change is likely to impact the distribution of these natural resources  by altering their phenology and production. In the present study, long-term rainfall (1901-2018) time  series has been applied for rainfall analysis using parametric (Regression) and non-parametric (Mann Kendal and Sen’s slope estimator) tests. The negative trends have been found in Dindori district, Madhya Pradesh, India. A detailed study has been carried out for rainfall behavior identification of the district. The  present study is used for forest, agricultural, water resources development, planning, and mitigation. 


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How to Cite

Sahu, O. P., Sahu, P., Jain, P. K., & Rushikesh Baburao, G. (2022). Climate Change Impact Studies on Historical Rainfall Records: A Case Study of Dindori District, Madhya Pradesh, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(1), 90-102.