Groundwater Acidification and Impact of Wastewater Infiltration on Groundwater Quality of Pune Metropolitan Region, Maharashtra, India


  • A Supekar Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra 411007, India
  • N J Pawar 2D. Y. Patil Medical University, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra 411018, India.



PMR, Urbanization, Groundwater Acidification, Anthropogenic Inputs


Acidification is a natural process directly proportional to the rise in population. Wastewater recharge is  an important contributor. Increased waste leakage is considered to be a major and obvious source of  groundwater adulteration. Acidification of groundwater is commonly associated with anthropogenic  activities. Anthropogenically derived pollutant deposition augments the rate of acidification, which in  turn exceeds the natural neutralizing capacity. An important consequence of acidification is an  increased human introduction to toxic elements via food and drinking water resulting in potentially  adverse health effects (Thordarson et al., 1996). Acidification is described as the loss of nutrient bases  (calcium, magnesium, and potassium) via the process of leaching and their replacement by acidic  elements (hydrogen and aluminum) (Air pollution Information System). Acidification of groundwater  affects the natural environment like soils, waters, flora, and fauna, it is considered to be the most  serious environmental issues. Groundwater acidification severely affects the regions. A variety of  factors like land use, soil characteristics, flow patterns, precipitation characteristics, and depth to the  groundwater table are responsible for this process. However, weathering of parent material is the chief  mode in which cations are replenished, other soil processes such as adsorption and microbial reduction  of SO4 also assist to ameliorate acidification. High concentrations of almost all major cations and  anions resulting due to the infiltration of wastewater into the aquifers characterize the groundwaters in  the study area. A decrease in pH values and concomitant increase in EC in the areas under intense  urbanization suggest acidification of groundwater in PMR. Similarly, the positive correlations between  Cl vs. NO3, Cl vs. SO4, and well elevation vs. ionic concentration respectively confirm the role of land  use variables and topography on groundwater chemistry and anthropogenic inputs (Foppen, 2002).  This study puts forward the view that groundwater acidification in PMR is a function of  anthropogenic activity, topography and land-use factors.  


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How to Cite

Supekar, A., & Pawar, N. . J. (2022). Groundwater Acidification and Impact of Wastewater Infiltration on Groundwater Quality of Pune Metropolitan Region, Maharashtra, India . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(1), 70-89.