Aquifer Response at the Proximity of Patalganga and Shriganwadi Micro-Watersheds, Nanded District, Maharashtra Using Groundwater Flow Model


  • Sayali Vijay Pawar Department of Civil Engineering SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, Maharashtra State 431606, India
  • N C Mondal Earth Process Modeling Group, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Prabhuling Ullagaddi Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India



Aquifer, groundwater flow, micro-watersheds, validation, Visual Modflow, Nanded, Maharashtra


Groundwater modeling is necessary to get correct information of aquifer response for management of  groundwater resources. In this paper, we have simulated groundwater flow of two micro-watersheds  (namely Patalganga and Shriganwadi) located Nanded, Maharashtra considering the field data such as  aquifer properties, recharge, discharge, and other required information obtained from literature using  Visual Modflow ver. 3.1.0 for the year 2021. Then the model compared with the observed groundwater  level at the selected wells, which are reasonably matched in the field data. It was also simulated by  changing a few dominant input parameters in a limited range. After the validation of the model, it was  run for the different environmental stress scenarios, which can occur in future. The model reactions of the  aquifer response had been checked and it has observed drying a few well sites in these micro-watersheds. It  will help to the decision makers for sustainable management of groundwater resources. 


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How to Cite

Vijay Pawar, S., Mondal, N. C., & Ullagaddi, P. (2022). Aquifer Response at the Proximity of Patalganga and Shriganwadi Micro-Watersheds, Nanded District, Maharashtra Using Groundwater Flow Model . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 41(1), 12-23.