Comparison between SVD-Based and Automatic Geophysical Inversion for Schlumberger VES Data: A Case Study from Konkan Coast, Maharashtra


  • G Gupta KSK Geomagnetic Research Laboratory, IIG, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 221505, India
  • S Ramachandran Dept. of Marine Geology & Geophysics, Cochin Univ. of Science & Tech., Kochi, Kerala 682016, India
  • K Tahama Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410218, India



Singular value decomposition (SVD), resistivity, saline water ingress, Konkan, Maharashtra


A comparison is made between the resistivity modeling results obtained from Singular value decomposition (SVD)  based geophysical inversion method and a semi-automated inversion scheme to assess the robustness of the SVD  method. A total of 30 vertical electrical soundings (VES) data were collected from the hard-rock area of Konkan  coastal Maharashtra and modeled using the new method. The results are interpreted so as to identify the coastal  aquifers contaminated with saline water in the study area. The SVD- based inversion results suggest a very high  resistivity formation in the north-eastern part of the area, presumably due to the presence of laterites at the top,  followed by hard and compact basalts beneath. In the south-eastern part of the study area, a very high resistivity  zone is evident, due to the presence of laterites and basalts. A very high conductive zone is revealed in the south western part near the coast signifying extensive influence of saline water ingress, which diminishes from south-west  to north-eastern part of the region. It is also seen that the results obtained from the SVD-based algorithm is superior  to the conventional inversion scheme. 


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How to Cite

Gupta, G., Ramachandran , S., & Tahama , K. (2023). Comparison between SVD-Based and Automatic Geophysical Inversion for Schlumberger VES Data: A Case Study from Konkan Coast, Maharashtra . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 42(1), 88-105.