Petrophysical Evaluation and Reservoir Modeling of Oligocene succession in Bai-Hassan oil field, Northern Iraq


  • K Dalya Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Kitab University, Iraq
  • Fawzi M Al-Beyati Engeneering Technical College of Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Iraq
  • Mazin Y Tamar-Agha Department of Geology, College of Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq



Petrophysical Evaluation, Reservoir Modeling, Oligocene succession, Bai-Hassan oil field, Northern Iraq


Bai-Hassan Oil Field is considered as one of the important north Iraq oil fields. The oil field of Bai-Hassan is  faraway about 40 km to the northwest of Kirkuk City. The field consists of two domes (in NW- SE direction) Kithka  Dome and Dauod Dome separated by a narrow saddle called Shashal saddle. The current study is focused on  microfacies analysis to build 3D reservoir models and petrophysical properties of Palani Formation (Early  Oligocene) and Baba, Bajawan and Tarjil formations (Middle Oligocene). In the present study, several types of well logs obtained from BH-20, BH-39, BH-53, BH-89, BH-91, BH-92, and BH-122 wells which including gamma-ray  (GR), neutron (NPHI), density (ROHB), sonic (DT), spontaneous potential (SP) and resistivity (LLD, MSFL)  well-logs were used in order to determine and study of reservoir characterization to explain different parameters  including lithology with contacts identifications, total (PHIT) and effective (PHIE) porosities, permeability, water  saturation (SW) and hydrocarbons saturation (Sh), of Oligocene succession in the Bai-Hassan Oil Field within  Zagros basin, northern Iraq. The analysis of the results showed that the Kathka dome area compared to the Dauod  dome area is better in terms of petrophysical properties as well as in terms of its content of hydrocarbon groups. 


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How to Cite

Dalya , K., Al-Beyati, F. M., & Tamar-Agha , M. Y. (2023). Petrophysical Evaluation and Reservoir Modeling of Oligocene succession in Bai-Hassan oil field, Northern Iraq . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 42(1), 64-87.