Exploring Greenockite: Occurrences and Geological Setting


  • Swapnil N Deshmukh Post-Graduate Department of Geology, R.T.M., Nagpur University, Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus, Law College Square, Amravati Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440001, India
  • Abhay M Varade Associate Professor, Post-Graduate Department of Geology R.T.M. Nagpur University, Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus, Law College Square, Amravati Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440001, India




Cadmium, Greenockite, Geochemistry, Cadmium-Sulfur Interactions, Geological Settings


Greenockite, mineral containing cadmium, is of significant scientific interest owing to its remarkable properties and  potential applications in the field of science. It commonly forms in hydrothermal ore deposits as a secondary mineral  due to complex cadmium-sulfur interactions influenced by temperature. Typically, it replaces zinc minerals like  sphalerite, depending on the abundance of cadmium and zinc in hydrothermal fluids. Solid solubility in the ZnS CdS system occurs at high temperatures, with immiscibility observed under specific conditions. Greenockite forms  at relatively low temperatures (100°C to 200°C) and is influenced by factors such as oxygen fugacity, hydrogen  sulfide activity, and chloride ion content. Its hexagonal zinc blende structure results in diverse crystal forms,  including rods, wires, and whiskers, often adorned with bismuth drops. Experimental studies have identified factors  affecting its formation, such as solid solubility, precipitation mechanisms, pH levels, and fluid composition. Its  vibrant coloration, attributed to cadmium concentration, varies from pale yellow to deep orange-red. Geologically, it  is present in diverse settings, including metamorphosed zinc oxide mineralization, granites, fumaroles, pegmatites,  and sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, with a unique occurrence in gabbroic rock at the Babbitt deposit. In India,  Greenockite has been identified in the Bagada orogenic gold prospect, situated within the Paleoproterozoic  Mahakoshal belt, Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). Additionally, it is found in hydrothermal deposits of Pb-Zn  mines of Zawar. It is exclusively encountered within specific geological settings, primarily as a secondary product.  This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of its geological occurrences, distribution, associations, and  exceptions. 


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How to Cite

Deshmukh, S. N., & Varade , A. M. (2023). Exploring Greenockite: Occurrences and Geological Setting. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology , 42(2), 234-245. https://doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.42F.2.6